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- 12/24
- 12/16
- 12/10
- 好久沒更新進度了哇哈哈哈哈,代表我都在認真:P
- 問卷設計ing
- Widget介面更新 - 新增透明的背景樣式
- 我好想把我幫老師做了那份Blog Connect 70幾快80頁的PPT放上來供著
- 因為那大概是有史以來我做的最好最多頁的PPT了= =
- 11/12
- 11/07
- The Slide
- Factors
- Contextual, behavioral and sentiment analysis
- Posts most likely to be shared on social networks
- Posts related to socially trending topics
- this seems already connecting to the social networking web sites
- but if the behavior is about the sharing behavior or something else
- 11/04
- 11/03
- 11/02
- 10/28
- 常想到一些東西,稍縱即逝OTZ
- 原本想到的model又要重來了...
- 我也想趕快投阿....
- 10/26
- 我許久沒變過的臉書介面!!........變了一丁點= =
- paper 不好寫QQ
- 勾勒出大綱
- 但如所想的:卡在方法流程
- Introduction:On going
- Related work:Topic出來了,但不確定要寫多深
- Method or Survey model:uncertain
- but had some hypothesis for survey or conclusion
- Data Set Selection怕會影響Survey結果
- 系統部分
- 已另建三個database,等data sets挑好之後會匯進去
- 樂多已經請學弟拿掉,並請他們申請新帳號
- 進一步去申請有關Widget的審核事宜
- 之後該新建無名帳號會隨專題承接下去